Mrs. Jesse Williams is the 10th-grade English teacher and volleyball coach here at Chelsea High School. The Buzz was able to ask her some questions. Read below to find out what she had to say.
Chelsea Buzz: How would you describe Chelsea High School to others?
Jesse Williams: This is such an interesting question considering the fact that I graduated from Chelsea High School. I never hated it here. I loved my friends and my teachers weren’t all bad. Mr. Peoples was my principal at the time and a majority of the students were very fond of him. That being said, even though the principal is different and I’m not teaching with the teachers I once had, I believe the overall atmosphere is still the same. Everyone assumes that it must be weird working at the school you graduated from, but in all honesty, I can’t imagine working anywhere else. It just feels like home.
CB: What is your favorite book? Why?

JW: Redeeming Love by Francie Rivers. I read this when I was 16 years old and it was a very pivotal time in my life. If you like a good romance story, this one will surely do you in.
CB: What do you know now that you wish you knew when you began teaching?
JW: Don’t expect to have it all together. Especially during volleyball season.
CB: How has your teaching style changed from when you first started teaching to now?
JW: I don’t think my teaching style has changed too much since I started teaching, but I will say that I end up tweaking my lessons each year based on the feedback I receive from my students. I really try to pay attention to what works and what doesn’t and I make a note of that for the following year.
CB: Who is someone from your childhood, teenage years, or early adulthood that you look up to? Why?
JW: I’ve always strived to be like my mom. She is one of the strongest women I know and she’s always been someone I can lean on. She’s basically superwoman.
CB: What is one thing on your bucket list? Why?
JW: Visit all 50 states – I think people are so focused on traveling the world that they forget what we have right here in the US.
CB: If you could have any superpower what would it be?
JW: Teleportation.
CB: What is your dream vacation?
JW: A summer backpacking around Europe.
CB: What’s your favorite quote?
JW: “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” – Michael Scott
CB: What is your favorite thing to teach?
JW: Anything grammar-related.
CB: What is your favorite animal?
JW: Elephant
CB: What’s your favorite breakfast?
JW: Eggs Benedict