Student Opinions on Homecoming

Lilly Christian, Reporter

The time has finally come for Chelsea High School. The time where you dress up and compete against other classes. What’s that you ask? It’s Homecoming week! Many couples are excited to take on homecoming in their nice outfits and sick dance moves, but tons of people think otherwise.  We asked eight people what their opinions were on Homecoming and here were their answers.The time has finally come for Chelsea High School. The time where you dress up and compete against other classes. What’s that you ask? It’s Homecoming week! Many couples are excited to take on homecoming in their nice outfits and sick dance moves, but tons of people think otherwise.  We asked eight people what their opinions were on Homecoming and here were their answers.

First, I asked freshman Kaitlyn Davis what her opinion was and she responded with, ”I think it’s pretty alright. It’s just a normal part of high school.” When I asked freshman Kaya Whitfield what she thinks about Homecoming, she exclaimed, “Homecoming is amazing! It is legitimately the only reason I enjoy going to schoo!” Freshman Hana Carver had a similar response to Kaya, “I think that it’s going to be a fun time, I’m so excited!” Everybody had a positive reaction to the question, but when we asked freshman Brianna Hamer, she shrugged and said, “Well I’m not a big fan. I don’t see why there’s a big hype for it.”

Guys have a different opinion than girls do. When we asked sophomore Ty Tipton what his opinion was on Homecoming, he said, “It’s okay i guess, I mean it’s pretty cool if you have a date and all.” Afterwards, we asked junior Camden Howell and he responded with, “I went last year with a date, so I guess that it’s pretty fun.” Lastly, we asked freshman Bryce Mabry what he thought about homecoming, he said, “I think it’ll be fun, this will be my first year!”

Guys and girls may have different viewpoints on homecoming, but it still won’t ruin the great week that Chelsea High school is about to experience. Homecoming is a fun week for most students, some students think otherwise. As long as students keep their spirits high and come to our homecoming game this Friday, we shall have a fantastic week!