Spruill joins CHHS as assistant principal
August 23, 2017
Mr. Tyler Spruill is the a new assistant principal administrating at Chelsea High School this year. We caught up with him and asked him some questions about his background and his early impressions of Chelsea High School.
Q:Where did you go to college?
A:“I went to Ole Miss.”
Q:Are you an Alabama or Auburn Fan?
A:“I root for Ole Miss, but if it was between those, I would go for Alabama.”
Q:What did you teach before you became an assistant principal?
A: “I taught Geometry and Geometry honors.”
Q:Where did you teach before you arrived at Chelsea?
A: “Stone High School for five years, Harry Hust Middle School for a year, and Helena High School for three.”
Q:Why assistant principal?
A: “I feel that when being an assistant principal you get to impact more students than compared to being a regular teacher with a certain number of kids.”
Q:What do you like about Chelsea?
A: “I really enjoy the teachers, students, and small town feel that the school obtains.”
Q:What is unique about Chelsea that you haven’t experienced before?
A:“I definitely noticed the amount of diversity, but then saw how people came together in the senior courtyard.”
Q:What fruit would you be?
A:“I would like to be a coconut so I can hangout on the beach.”
Q:What is your main job as one of the three assistant principals at Chelsea.
A: “I will typically work with 9th grade curriculum and discipline. Yet, I can also help out with anything if needed.”
Q:Why do we now need 3 assistant principals?
A: “The numbers are growing and we have over 1,200 students here at Chelsea High.”
We are excited to see where these two new administrators will take us throughout the year. We can’t wait to show them how great it is to be here at Chelsea because it’s a great day to be a hornet!