Any girl (9th-12th) interested in attending Engineering Day at the McWane Science Center should contact Ms. Motley before Tuesday, January 22nd to receive more information about the field trip.

The Miss Chelsea High School Pageant is Friday, February 15, 2019. It is open to girls in grades 9-12 and no pageant experience is required.  If interested, please contact Ms. B. Williams in Room 113.

CHHS Key Club will host a mattress sale fundraiser on January 26th, 2019 in the CHHS Lobby. Please view the flyer for details. Email Mrs. Blair for questions:

This year’s MARDI GRAS BALL will be held in the gym lobby Thursday, February 14 from 7-10 P.M.  Tickets will go on sale during half-time Monday, February 4: Couples ticket $25/Singles $15.  See Mrs. Bonnie Montgomery for more information.




Tuesdays: Peer Helpers

Wednesdays: NHS/Foreign Language

Thursdays: Mu Alpha Theta

Fridays: Beta Club



Basketball plays at Helena today – games begin @ 4:30pm

Wrestling wrestle this weekend in the Mountain Brook Invitational



PALS – You asked for it and we are bringing it back for spring 2019. Starting Friday,  January 25 we will have breakfast club again. The classroom will be open at 7:00 for you to bring your breakfast items and for us all to spend time together. Sara has worked hard at figuring out what we need and has made a sign up list, see Google Classroom to sign up. If you sign up for an item please be sure to bring it that morning as the event cannot happen without all of you!!!

FCA: meets Thursday mornings in the gym at 7:10. Come for games, food and fellowship. We would love to see you there!

Medical Club: For those who want to join the medical club, we have a classroom.  Please join using the code iub39k6 for announcements.

Advanced Math Team will meet second half of half time every Friday.


General Information

Visit “The Hive” for all of your basic school store needs! – C.Clark’s Room, C04.

Featured Products:

Poster Boards


Index Cards

Colored Pencils


Do you  play in a band, sing, dance or have a talent to show off? Chelsea’s Got Talent will be held on February 1st.  The sign-up list will be in the lobby by Mrs. Gardner’s room when we return to school in January.  The winners get cash prizes.

Senior Fees are $70 and due to Ms. Trippeer or Mr. Crabtree

Girls’ soccer fundraiser – We are selling Rtic 30 oz ramblers for $20 See Google Classroom for image.  Make checks payable to Chelsea High School. Thank you for your support!!

Anyone have a ping pong table that you need to move out of the house?  Our PE Rec classes can use any extras. Contact Coach Neaves:

First Priority gathers every Tuesday @ 7:10 in room E106. Everyone is welcome to join us!