Out of the Blue ramps up competition season

Gisella Cazcarro, Chelsea Buzz Reporter

Chelsea High School has a variety of fine art classes available to its students, with one of those being show choir. In order to be a member of this group you must audition for a spot. Auditions are usually held towards the end of the school year. Students of all grades can be participants of this group; however, all students are required to sing part of a song and then perform a dance sequence. 

Out of the Blue begins rehearsals at the beginning of the school year. This allows them much preparation time for their competition season which begins in the winter. They also do many dress rehearsals and showcases for family and friends to prepare them for their competitions. 

So far they have competed in Albertville, Vestavia, and Montgomery. They have placed second and have won the best visuals. They get to see other schools perform and meet new people.

The Buzz was able to speak with Chloe Maliska, a senior in the show choir. She has been in Out of the Blue since her sophomore year at CHHS.

Asked what she loved most about it, she said, “being with my favorite people and doing something I love!!” 

Maliska added that the responsibilities with show choir consisted of “hours of practice, early mornings, hair and makeup nights, and so many awesome jam sessions.” 

Another senior, Campbell Carbonie, has been in Out of the Blue since her freshman year.

“I love singing, dancing, and competitions,” Carbonie said.

Carbonie added that preparation for their competition season consisted mostly of dress rehearsals including fixed hair and makeup. As far as the competitions, “everyone is dancing and having fun,” she said.

Sophomore Emily Denton is in her second year doing show choir.

Denton said her favorite part about being in Out of the Blue was performing. She also described what the day of competition was like.

“Comp is a full day experience, you prepare for your performance and go compete,” Denton said. “But before or after that we watch shows all day waiting for awards to be announced to see if we make it to finals.” 

Out of the Blue is not simply members of show choir putting in hard work and dedication for competitions, but they are also having fun and bonding with their peers while doing so.