CHHS yearbook staff looks to preserve memories

Julia Davison, Chelsea Buzz Reporter

A school year at Chelsea High School would be incomplete without a yearbook. The yearbooks staff works together to create a fantastic book to help students remember high school for the rest of their lives.

Most people will keep their yearbooks after high school and will look back on it as an adult. Without the yearbook staff, this wouldn’t be able to happen. There are 25 members of the yearbook staff, and they collaborate every day to make a successful book. Erica Stickland, a member of the yearbook staff talks about her time in the class. 

“My favorite part of the yearbook is the calm environment,” says Strickland. “I’m able to work at my own pace and have the flexibility of creating my own page. I also love creating something memorable that everyone will love with my classmates of all grades.” 

Each student in the class has a different page and sometimes they collaborate together on one page. They go to events and document them to create their page.

“This year my pages were Track and Field, Marching Band, Concert Band, and Mountain Biking,” Stickland explains. “Even though some of the pages didn’t align with my interest, I still enjoyed going out of my comfort zone and having the opportunity to learn about more activities.”

A lot of time and effort goes into creating the different pages for the yearbook. Ava Francis, another member of the yearbook staff explained the difficulties of creating a page.

“The difficulty of making a page depends on the page you are making. If it’s a sports page for a spring sport, you could do the descriptions and decorating in the fall but you won’t have the pictures until Spring,” Francis explains. “For example, Concert Band is all year round so to include pictures from every concert, we have to wait until the end of the year to finish the page.” 

Brooke Williams is the yearbook sponsor and the 2021-2022 year will be her third year sponsoring. She also teaches eleventh grade English and sponsors the color guard team. Mrs. Williams gives insight onto why she is the sponsor.

“I was on my high school’s yearbook staff l and enjoyed it,” Williams said. “I also like getting to know all the different groups within the school and getting to experience the different sporting events. I also love having the experience to document them all.”

Mrs. Williams also enjoys being the sponsor. She gives insight on how she enjoys working closely with the yearbook staff and students.

“I enjoy seeing the photos that the students choose for each page,” Williams explains. “I like to see the pages come to life as the year goes on and to see the summary of the year that the pages can create.”

However, when doing something enjoyable, there are usually struggles that appear. 

“It is a struggle to keep up with all the different events and know what is happening when and where. It’s also hard to make sure that everyone is documented in the yearbook and everything is shown,” Williams said.

Without the yearbook staff, memories from high school would slowly fade away. Thankfully, Chelsea High’s yearbook staff works hard and diligently to hold onto these memories tight!