Cassidy Reynolds Making an Impact at Chelsea High School

Abbie Johns, Chelsea Buzz Reporter

At the beginning of September, 2021, Chelsea High School had class president elections.

Tenth grader Cassidy Reynolds won Sophomore Class President. This is Cassidy’s first year as a Class President, as well as any official of any type of student government.

Chelsea Buzz caught up with Reynolds to find out what she has already done for Chelsea, and what she will continue to do and accomplish. She has quite a busy schedule.

This year, I have accomplished far more than I thought possible,” Reynolds said. “I am … an active member in Key Club, and I am apart of Alabama’s Make-A-Wish Youth Leadership Council, which equips me to be a better leader to my peers at school.

“Through the Make-A-Wish YLC, I have the opportunity to raise money for children with critical illnesses all throughout the academic school year of 2021-2022. In Key Club and SGA, I am apart of the Tech Committee, and I produce the videos for our events- such as the Childhood Cancer Awareness month fundraiser.” 

Reynolds has been working hard for Chelsea to make an impact that will last a while, as well as making an impact on surrounding schools. As class president, she has stepped up to the plate and is constantly working behind the scenes.  She also has many other things in the works.

“As class president, I seem to always have new plans on my mind. We are currently putting together our Hall of Fame Induction,” she said. “This is a community-wide event, where we throw a formal award ceremony- with legit plaques- for honorable citizens of Chelsea. These citizens have or are currently playing some sort of key role in our community.”

Reynolds also does work with Make-A-Wish, spending time at Chelsea Park Elementary School on behalf of that organization.

Reynolds has accomplished so many things in a short period of time, and plans to accomplish much more. Along with being an absolute hard-worker, is also very well-liked by her peers. Jillian Webster, a sophomore student, spoke to that.

“I think Cassidy is making a huge impact,” Webster said. “You can really tell that she cares about the school and that she puts in her full effort” 

Reynolds loves the support she receives from her peers about being in this position. 

“I love constantly having to do something for the peers in my grade, or for Chelsea High School as a whole. I have also been granted the great honor of being involved in so many amazing events and organizations, through SGA. Knowing that people can easily rely on me, is one of the most liberating feelings.”

Being class president is not always an easy thing to do. You are constantly working for not only your school, but also greater causes.

“Being class president is definitely a challenge, but I choose to prioritize growth over comfort,” she said. “I am always stepping out of my comfort zone. Not only that, but I have to strategically break up my time in order to manage each of my responsibilities. All in all, I think this constant challenge is a rather healthy one.”