Chelsea opens region play against rival Briarwood
September 1, 2021
The Chelsea Hornets will face off against region rival Briarwood on Friday at the Lions Pride Stadium at 7:00pm.
The Hornets look to get their first win after falling to the Oak Mountain Eagles and the Helena Huskies in their first two matchups of the season. This game is a huge game for Chelsea with Briarwood being in their region. Prior to this year, the Hornets fell to the Lions 20-3.
Currently, the Chelsea Hornets are 0-2 for the season while the Briarwood Lions are 2-0. Despite the record, Chelsea’s physical group and spirit look to defeat the Lions in the upcoming game. In that physical group, college recruits are uprising to make for a great game. These amazing individuals could lead Chelsea to victory for a regional win and a chance at state this year.
Friday’s game will be the 34th time these two competitive groups face off. Chelsea’s all-time record is 9-23-1 against Briarwood, but Chelsea’s spirit and crowd can carry it to a region win.