Spanish club celebrates language, culture

Kristen Kuykendall, Buzz Staff Writer

At Chelsea High School there are many clubs anyone can join. There are a total of 23 clubs in which they are all diverse in their own way. If you are looking to add something extra to your high school experience maybe you should consider joining a club. For example, one of these clubs is Spanish Club. 

The sponsor of Spanish Club is Mrs. Kortright, who is currently one of the Spanish teachers at CHS.

“Spanish Club is an extracurricular group that promotes and celebrates Spanish language and culture,” Kortright said.

Kortright explained that throughout the year this club participates in different activities such as “Christmas Caroling at the elementary schools, Secret Friends (at Valentines Day) and possibly some movie nights. Our biggest event is Spanish Club Convention at (the University of Alabama) in April. I’m also open to suggestions for other activities.”

Some other questions about this club could be if anyone is eligible to join.

“Anyone currently enrolled in a Spanish class can join,” Kortright said. “So can those who have completed at least 2 years but aren’t in a class anymore. Native speakers are always welcome.”