Seniors give advice to the underclassmen and upcoming freshmen


Anna Grace Dunn, Buzz News Reporter

As the seniors graduation day approaches, their high school days are coming to an end. We will miss them as we send them off to college to start a new chapter in their lives. The seniors have a few words of guidance for the underclassmen and upcoming freshmen to start their high school years.

“The best part of high school is what you make it. In order to enjoy your high school years, you have to make the most of it and take chances. I would recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and meeting new people.” – Keishace Jackson

“You should try to get involved by joining clubs and school activities to meet new people. Don’t focus too much on the drama but focus on your grades.” – Nakia Coleman

“Don’t get involved with dating someone, It causes drama and no one likes that and always study even though you feel tired because your GPA matters.” – Douglas Wood

“Do really good your first three years so you have a little slacking room senior year because senioritis will kick you hard and fast. Show off your junior year because that’s what colleges look at the most. Take easy classes senior year, and it’s never too early to start studying for the ACT. No matter how good your GPA is, if you don’t have a decent ACT score, it’ll make applying for colleges/scholarships harder for you.” – Taylor Stafford

“Never settle for failure. Education will never fail you, but you can fail education. Education is our true and only best friend because it is there to support you everyday in school. Do not waste time, or time will waste you.” – Avery Lawhorn

“Don’t care about what other people think of you, focus on your grades, enjoy it while it lasts because it goes by really fast, get involved in clubs or sports, and be nice to everyone you meet.” – Ali Richard