CHHS teacher spotlight: Mr. Huddleston
January 22, 2019
Mr. Huddleston is a science teacher at CHHS. I was able to catch up to him today and interview him. Here is what he had to say:
Q: Low long have you been teaching? Have you taught any schools besides CHHS?
A: “I have been teaching for 3 years and have not taught any other schools.”
Q: Where did you go to college?
A: “I went to the University of Montevallo.”
Q: What subject(s) do you teach?
A: “I teach AP Physics, regular Physics, and Physical Science.”
Q: What made you want to become a teacher?
A: “The high pay, low stress, and general sadistic tendencies.”
Q: What is your favorite thing about being a teacher?
A: “The flexibility and creativity required, also when I visibily see a student ‘get it.'”
Q: What is your least favorite thing about being a teacher?
A: “Taking work home with me.”
Q: What is the hardest thing about teaching teenagers?
A: “Staying mindful of the years of brain development they have yet to undergo.”
Q: What is your favorite quote?
A: “‘As far as laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality’ – Albert Einstien”