An interview with volleyball manager Jordan Riggins
January 25, 2016
Jordan Riggins, a freshman, was this years volleyball manager. She was asked and answered some questions for the Buzz about her duties and volleyball.
Q: How did you enjoy being manager?
A: “It was fun I got to travel with the team which was the best part And I liked watching some tournaments.”
Q: Do you plan on being manager next year?
A: “Yes”
Q: What was your favorite part about being manager?
A: “Becoming better friends with the people on the team”
Q: Do you get anything from it?
A: “It gives me community service hours”
Q: How do you think the girls did this season, since you were at a lot of their games?
A: “This season was the best the girls had in a while”
Q: What made you wanna become manager?
A: “I used to play volleyball plus I needed the hours so I didn’t mind helping out as much as I could and I’m friends with a lot of people on the team”
Jordan played volleyball through her middle school years, and since she no longer plays, chose to be manager of the team. She plans on being manager for as long as possible. It has taught her how to line judge and score keep, so it has been a very opening opportunity for her.