Social Buzz

How Social Media impacts CHHS students

CJ Moreno, Reporter

It seems as though social media runs deep in Chelsea High School’s halls. Phones are an important part of our school’s daily routine, but is it really as necessary as the students make it out to be?

Moreover, students use their phones in classrooms with social media and the use of Internet. The Buzz asked Larry Johnson what he thinks of the use of cellphones in the classroom. He remains neutral saying, “Schools always have to take good things with the bad things. Kids can easily go on snapchat or Instagram but they can also go home and use Google Classroom to complete their homework.”

Chelsea High allows phones pretty much everywhere as long as it’s on the teacher’s terms. Phones and other devices add much more to the classroom, introducing YouTube videos, games, and pictures. This gives classes more excitement but it also throws in distractions from students who would rather text their best friend than focus on the lesson.

Naturally most students will not pay attention in class. But when schools throw in the added distraction of phones, how much is it really taking away from education? On the other hand, a study released in May by the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics looked at 91 schools in four cities in England, where more than 90 percent of teenagers own a mobile phone.

The study found that test scores were 6.41 percent higher at schools where cellphone use is prohibited. The researchers, whose findings were published in a Boston Globe article, concluded that mobile phones “can have a negative impact on productivity through distraction,” particularly among low-achieving students, who benefitted most from the ban, with achievement gains of 14.23 percent.”

Even in the Buzz Headquarters, cellphone use is an important part in our classroom. Writing articles, taking photos to update our website, and other things such as checking INow for our grade information. But that does not mean our students get carried away with snapchatting, Instagram, Twitter, and even prank phone calls. Teachers can be frustrated with the use of cellphones, but there is not much they can do.

Nonetheless students will always rely heavily on their smartphones for coordinating pickup times with parents, emergencies, and using educational sites for daily classroom routines. And the more modern day progresses the more use of technology is being used around the world.

Students spend roughly 180 days at school, who said having to spend so much time at one place has to feel like a prison? A school campus is meant for learning and preparing young minds for the future holds, but with a progressing world teachers have to do something to change with it. Teachers will always have that one student who will not follow along in lessons, but that doesn’t mean the majority of classmates will goof off as well.

The Buzz thinks cellphones need to stay; they play important roles in our education and though at times it could stand some limits. Students need technology to help with classes, even to elevate stress with some teachers. The poor choices of a few students should not affect the students who choose to do the right thing. Cellphones in Chelsea High School will stay, but maybe put down the phone and enjoy the lesson provided.