Mrs. Ami Wicks is a longtime English teacher at Chelsea High School. She was kind enough to take time to answer a few questions for the Buzz. Read what she had to say below.
Chelsea Buzz: What made you settle on the subject you teach?
Ami Wicks: I have always been fascinated by the study of words and language. Plus, reading is my favorite! Combine these things with my very amazing 12th grade English teacher, Dr. Browning, & choosing to be an English teacher was an easy decision for me.
CB: What do you know now that you wish you knew when you began teaching?
AW: It’s cliche, but “don’t sweat the small stuff.” I realize now that I used to spend way too much time and energy worrying about unimportant/ inconsequential things.

CB: If you weren’t a teacher, what job would you have?
AW: I would really love to own & manage a book and gift shop!
CB: What was your high school experience like compared to now?
AW: Haha! … I graduated from high school in 1990(!!!), so my experience was way different compared to now. The technological advancements alone make life then and now seem like two different worlds. Honestly, when I think about my high school classes/ teachers, for the most part, I think “boring.” For instance, my 11th grade English teacher read the entirety of The Great Gatsby out loud to us. We had to sit in our desks in what she called “listening position,” & we weren’t allowed to speak at all. She read aloud for the entire class period for days. I was miserable.
CB: What is your favorite book? Why?
AW: I have so many – I have so many – it’s hard to choose just one! The Secret History by Donna Tartt When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
CB: What would your students be surprised to find out about you?
AW: During my junior year of college, I received the “Most Improved Grades” award from my sorority. Haha… I wasn’t much into studying during my freshman and sophomore years at Auburn.
CB: Where did you go to college?
AW: Auburn University. War Eagle!
CB: What is your favorite animal?
AW: Boring answer… but it’s dogs, definitely.
CB: What is your favorite Holiday?
AW: Thanksgiving. I love to cook, and gathering with family to enjoy a super delicious meal is the very best.
CB: What’s your favorite breakfast?
AW: French toast!
CB: What is your favorite movie?
AW: The Sound of Music
CB: What do you like more, the lake or the beach?
AW: The beach!