Mrs. Molly Coger is an English teacher at Chelsea High School. The Buzz was able to ask her some questions. Read below to find out what she had to say.
Chelsea Buzz: What makes a “good day” at school?
Molly Coger: A day where most of my students understand what is going on and there are no discipline problems.
CB: What is the most challenging thing about being a teacher?
MC: Keeping up with papers that need grading.
CB: What is your favorite memory of teaching?
MC: When I helped a student on her admissions to get into a highly competitive university (UCLA) and she got accepted.
CB: What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
MC: I like screamo music.

CB: What made you settle on the subject you teach?
MC: English always came easy for me and I had excellent teachers in high school. I also liked the fact that I would be able to switch texts from year to year so I wasn’t bored with the content.
CB: Why did you choose to teach?
MC: I always loved school and almost always wanted to teach. I actually changed my mind a few times on the content area, but never changed my mind about wanting to teach. I love working with teens as they are figuring out what they are going to do with their life after school. I feel like high school teachers have a huge impact on helping their students make major life decisions.
CB: What is your favorite book?
MC: My all time favorite book is The Giver. I feel like it is a reminder that no matter how bad certain elements of life may feel, the good times make everything worth it.
CB: What is a hidden talent you have?
MC: I would say my hidden talent is probably that I know all 50 states in ABC order.
CB: How long have you taught at Chelsea?
MC: 3 years
CB: Where did you go to high school?
MC: Hueytown
CB: What is your favorite snack?
MC: gummies
CB: What sports do you coach?
MC: Tennis and cheer