Mrs. Angela Washington is in her 16th year as a science teacher at Chelsea High School. The Buzz was able to ask her some questions. Read below to find out what she had to say.
Chelsea Buzz: What makes a “good day” at school?
Angela Washington: When my students are eager to learn, it makes a good day at school.
CB: If you weren’t a teacher, what job would you have?

AW: If I were not a teacher, I would be a social worker.
CB: What is your favorite book?
AW: My favorite book is Prayers For A Woman Of Faith
CB: What is the most challenging thing about being a teacher?
AW: The most challenging thing about being a teacher is not taking your work home with you.
CB: What would you students be surprised to find out about you?
AW: I played the trumpet in middle and high school, and I played high school basketball.
CB: What is one thing on your bucket list?Why?
AW: I want to visit France. I think it will be a great, peaceful and educational experience.
CB: What high school did you go to?
AW: Vincent High School
CB: How long have you taught at Chelsea?
AW: 16 years
CB: What is your favorite snack?
AW: Cashews/Lay’s Potato Chips
CB:What is your dream vacation?
AW: Italy
CB: What is your favorite animal?
AW: Dog
CB: What is your favorite breakfast
AW: Bacon,Eggs,Grits and toast