Coach Trey Lee is in his third year of teaching English and coaching track at Chelsea High School. The Buzz was able to ask him some questions. Read below to find out what he had to say.
Chelsea Buzz: What is the most challenging thing about being a teacher?
Trey Lee: The ideas! I have so many ideas for classes and I always worry if I will have enough time or if they’ll even work.
CB: What is your favorite memory of teaching?
CL: I have so many… maybe seeing former students after they leave my class.

CB: How would you describe Chelsea High School to others?
CL: A place where the kids know how to behave and the admin cares about their students.
CB: What was your high school experience compared to now?
CL: It was way more strict, but I’m glad that the kids can enjoy more freedom… kinda jealous though.
CB: What is a life lesson you have learned from teaching?
CL: Enjoy life.
CB: What is something that motivates you?
CL: Making sure the kids/students enjoy this time in their lives.
CB: Where did you go to college?
CL: Auburn! (War Eagle)
CB: How long have you taught at Chelsea?
CL: Two years
CB: Alabama, Auburn, or other?
CL: The only right choice! Auburn!
CB: What high school did you go to?
CL: Spain Park
CB: What is your favorite movie?
CL: Dragonball Super: Broly
CB: What’s your favorite quote?
CL: “If your mind is strong, your body will follow!” -Coach Lee