Getting to know Mrs. Loggins

Siena Findley, Chelsea Buzz Reporter

Chelsea High School welcomes a new teacher and coach this year, Mrs. Loggins. She teaches Health and Career Prep and is the new assistant varsity coach.

Mrs. Loggins is a very experienced Coach and has been coaching volleyball for 22 years.

I have been coaching volleyball for about 22 years beginning when I was 18 years old,” Loggins said. “I started playing volleyball in 7th grade and have been playing ever since!” she said. I was a middle blocker and outside hitter, but I played in all 6 rotations.  I have played every position at some point in my volleyball career but always was determined to be an all-around player so I could stay on the court to play”.

Loggins is one of the new health and career prep teachers and has taught several other subjects like U.S. History, Life Science, Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology. She loves to teach and coach because she strives to change people’s lives in a positive way.

Health and Fitness has always been a love and passion of mine.  It gives me the ability to hopefully change lives in a positive way,” Loggins said. “I love to help people!  I always hope to make a positive impact in someone’s life that will motivate them to be the best version of themselves.”

Loggins wasn’t always sure she was going to be a teacher, but she believes that where she is now is where she’s meant to be and she loves every part of it.

“It did cross my mind to be a teacher because when I was young my aspiration was to be the one that could write on the chalkboard,” she said. “As a teenager and starting college, I really wanted to be a doctor who did cancer research.  I love science and have always been enamored with the medical field.  I believe I landed where I was supposed to and enjoy teaching and coaching very much.”

Loggins is excited to start this season and is even more excited to coach her team and she hopes what she teaches them now will help them learn and grow even more along the way.

I am incredibly excited about this upcoming season at Chelsea High School,” she said. ” We have many talented players with a lot of untapped potential.  It is so exciting and rewarding to coach players who truly want to learn and keep a positive attitude along the way.  We also have a great coaching staff that works very well together to implement character, leadership and volleyball skills each day. My goal for the team this season is to help them increase their self-confidence and understanding of the game of volleyball so they can continue to grow.”